Sunday, July 24, 2011 @ 9:59 AM
Today is the 24th of July and you know what that means? Its Aimee's 17th Birthday! Aimee is this gorgeous blonde girl who I hang around with, shes a total babe and shes pretty much beautiful from top to toe, inside and out. She's one of those people who can make you laugh with the simplest gestures, she is one of my very close friends, who I would always tell news to. Aimee is a kind hearted girl who has lots to share and give and I love her so dearly. Shes smart, hot, sexy and damn perfect so I hope that she gets all all the presents in the world. She is a person who can be trusted and relied on. She's a lovable character and without her I dont think my highschool years would be this fantastic. I love her to bits and she knows I do. I love that she shares her Vegemite sandwiches with me and is always so kind to me. I love doing her hair changing it to different styles and just mucking around with this gorgeous bitch. Shes the best blonde ever and I love her to bits. So I hope she has a wonderful birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIMEE KATE DONALDSON YOU SEXY BITCH! And plus me and her seem to always have great taste in men who are like over the age of 60.... just kidding.

My babies Mylee, Aimee and Desiree