Happy Birthday Cindy
Saturday, October 8, 2011 @ 7:50 PM

Happy Birthday to my best friend Cindy Lay. Cindy, is one of the most beautiful girl you will ever meet, she is kind hearted and is so generous to others. I met Cindy in year 7, I remember her and Krizel making me cry in food tech class because they were calling me names and bagging me. They were so mean HAHAHA. Cindy left my school that year, she left to some rich grammar school, and turned all slutty and snobby. HAHA Kidding, she left to PEG's, which was devastating, till this day I still wished she never left, I reckon that it would of been different if she stayed. Yet we always keep contact, and keep each other updated with the latest news and life. Cindy is a true friend who walks in when the world walks out, shes one person who I have not seen changed, and has stayed her kind and beautiful self. I can not imagine my life without her. Shes the friend you can tell anything to, and who would never judge you or break a promise. Her family is so nice to me, always being so kind to me when Im around, feeding me and making me fat HAHA. I miss her alot sometimes, but I always call her every Saturday at tutor when Im a loner to catch up AHAH. I love her so dearly, and I hope she knows that. Shes someone so special to me, someone who holds a dear place in my heart. Without her, I wouldnt be who I am. Shes got my back and Ive always got her. Oh, I forgot to mention that shes super talented at soccer, and one day I know she will play for the Matildas, and then Ill become famous cause she's my bestfriend, so I better be nice to her HHAH. Im forever grateful to have such a wonderful best friend like her. Seventeen years has pass and there will be tonnes of memories still in the making my girl! Thank you for everything. I hope you have the best birthday ever, Cindy my beautiful bestie!